Friday, October 10, 2008

Lots of bubbles

This is what happenes when husbands do dishes....or should I say at least mine! To give Jeremy credit when he does the dishes he does do a good job. I think that some dawn was left from rinsing the dishes and bubbled out. I think he was just trying to be sweet and clean the floors! ;)


MKShelley said...

Hey! He did the dishes at least!!!!

floydfamily said...

He was multitasking...LOL!

Tamber said...

That is hilarious. I have had that happen one time when Emma was trying to help and she dumped like half of the bottle of Palmolive into a cup and I didn't notice. Yeah, for clean floors, they don't get cleaned many other times.

Jessie said...

That is too funny!! At least your floor got cleaned in the process as well!!