Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Interesting..we will have to see....

I got this from Cathy's website so I am copying a little bit of info...looking at the What to Expect When Expecting website and there was a link to this Madame Zartiska thing that predicts when your baby will be born and everything....so I figured...."Hey, it's free why not." Here's her prediction.

Madame Zaritska's reading

Madame Zaritska, our resident clairvoyant, wants to help you prepare for the arrival of your child. Here she does her best to predict certain aspects of your labor and birth experience.

What she senses for you
The day you deliver, outside will be cloudy. Your baby will arrive at night.

After a labor lasting approximately 10 hours, your child, a girl, will be born. Your baby will weigh about 7 pounds, 10 ounces, and will be 18 inches long. This child will have green eyes and a lot of hair.

Hummmmm....not that I believe in these but we will have to see....

1 comment:

Nick and Tiffany said...

LOL, that's kind of funny. What do you guys want?? A boy or a girl?