Thursday, March 20, 2008

Rain and Parents VENT!

As many of you know, I am a school crossing guard. Today was the first day of Spring and as Utah would have it we get rain. Nice. So its cold and wet this morning and I get more kids walking to school than ever before. All sorts of new faces. Did these parents not look outside this morning? Not to judge anyone, I know some children have to walk because the parents work and what not. What makes me REALLY mad is when the parent drop the kids off across the street and make the walk the rest of the way to school in the rain and most of them DON'T have coats on! Why cant the parents make ONE right or left turn and drop there kids at the door rather than making them freeze and get all nice and wet before they get to school. This is baffling to me.

1 comment:

MKShelley said...

I think I would walk my child to school if I were close enough to do so (and if we ever left early enough!) instead of drive. It's a good way to squeeze out extra calories, plus it's bonding time (until they hit tweenage years anyway).

That would piss me off about the kids with no coats in the rain when all it takes to keep them dry is 2 turns.