Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Broken Foot

I know I mentioned my broken foot awhile ago but forgot to address it. I broke my foot while walking/running into my mom's house to get Reese some milk, I tripped over my foot caught myself then tripped over my shoe, falling into a dirt pit where my shirt got a nice skid mark. Lets just say it sucks to break your foot but it sucks even more to break your foot the day before you fly home and when I get back to Utah it wont stop snowing!! Its crazy! To top it off, I'm a school crossing guard for the Elementary school up the road and on my first day I'm limping across the road. I go to the DR. that night and of course my foot in broken. So I have a beautiful boot I've been wearing with my foot wrapped up in a target sack so it doesn't get wet. It looks hot! I'm not supposed to be on it a lot but with a one year old, school and being a crossing guard that doesn't really happen so my Velcro on the top keeps coming undone because I'm using my leg to much and its rubbing my leg raw and that feels great!! Yeah, well I go back to the DR tomorrow to see how it is healing. I hope we get good news.


rowdystroudy said...

Oh man! It's hard having a 2 year old with a broken leg, I cannot imagine having something broken myself!! I'll send good healing vibes your way...

Tyler and Lindsay said...

Tara...your leg brace is really sexy! I'm jealous. Love you! How was Rexburg? I'm still so sad we could not go with ya'll! Was it freezing? I can only imagine...I remember those days.