I cannot believe how fast time flies. Yet it seems like he has been a part of our family forever. Brodie is one today. Kinda makes me sad that he is turning into that crazy toddler stage. My mom calls him a billy goat because he climbs on top of everything and has a couple of bumps and black eyes to prove it. He is such a boys boy. He loves playing with balls and cars and even makes the "driving" noise of a car. He has such a sweet temperament and is a Mommys boy true and true. I love him so much! I hope his sweet little self can stay that way through toddler-hood. I love you baby boy!! These are some pictures of Brodie throughout the year.
Happy Birthday Baby! I LOVE YOU!!!!
Friday, January 29, 2010
Happy Birthday my sweet litte man!
Posted by
3:21 AM
Thursday, January 21, 2010
The new "I'm fat"
I was blog surfing the other day and ended up at a friend of a friends blog. Basically someone you have no clue who they re but there blog is cute or something in there title speaks out to you so you continue reading.
Her blog post was on the new "I'm fat" of moms. What do we all want when we say "I'm fat" whether you truly believe it or not, we all just want someone to tell us where not. To validate the feelings that we have and to make us feel better. I'm not knocking anyone who has done this because I myself has done this numerous times just as a slip of tongue. I think is hard wired in us. But on to the new thing for moms...its "I'm a bad mom".
Really ladies? I think ALL of you are GREAT/AWESOME moms.
Lets do a check list. Alive? breathing?check. Doing good here.
Fed? check but have you tried to feed something healthy to a 3 yr old lately?
Clothed? check but when I am trying to dress my daughter when I tell her she is wearing jeans and she wants a dress make my eye twitch.
and MOST importantly do they know they are
LOVED? Big Check.
I'm not saying we all haven't done things we aren't great about. Everyone has had days where the TV is on all day or dinner consist of the same thing that was for breakfast but that doesn't make us bad moms. The fact that we are even worrying about being a bad mom makes us good moms. I mean what truly bad mom is sitting at home worrying about that?
I know we all have wanted to act like this at some point...( or might have behind closed doors ;) )
I am not posting or saying this because like all of you I am guilty myself of saying this and will probably say it again in the future. But we are all divine women and come from a loving Heavenly Father and as long as we raise our children accordingly I think we are all doing a GREAT job. So go give your babies big hugs and kisses and go about your day know you are and AWESOME woman and a GREAT mom.
Posted by
4:11 AM
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Brodie refused me today. :(. He has always been so cuddly and wanting to nurse and last night he turned his nose up at me. I thought I would have to wean him but no of course he has to do everything on his terms. I wish he would have let me know so I could of cherish the last few times a little more. He is one his way to being a big boy. His first birthday is in two weeks. I can't believe it. Time goes by way to fast.
Posted by
4:27 AM
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Life just seems so busy right now. Jeremy is in his last two semesters of school which are weighted down and heavy loads. Reese just started preschool. I am trying to go to the gym everyday and get everything else done still. It just never seems like there is a day to do nothing. Maybe this Saturday will be nice but then again I have to give a talk in church on Sunday. Sometimes I think coming off the holidays is just as busy as the holidays. Trying to recoup and get everything back in order.
Posted by
7:58 AM
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Reese started preschool today. She was so excited and had a great time. She is going to St. Marks 3 days a week for 3 hours a day kinda thing. She loves being able to play with kids again and most of all her princess backpack and lunch box :)
Posted by
11:21 AM
Sunday, January 3, 2010
New Year, New Me.
I have decided that this new year and my 24th year of life is going to be an adventure and I am determined to grow spiritually and mentally. I am determined not to grow in my waistline...lol. I want to lose weight of course. Jeremy and I are going to do a 5k together every month. I got the idea from a friend and she is doing awesome with her weight loss goals. Here are my resolutions and goals for the year. I am sure I will amend and add some more.
Be of a more positive frame of mind
Do more planned activities with the kids
No more facebook games/time wasters
Budget and stick to it
Pay off debts
Lose 40 lbs
Eat healthy and exercise
Reading scriptures as a family every night
Read scriptures myself every night
Monthly temple work, planned out on the calendar
Drink more water
Pack Sunday bag on Saturday night.
I am excited and optimistic for the new year. Jeremy and I just got back from a little weekend getaway and had a fun and relaxing time.
Yeah for 2010!!
Posted by
5:47 PM