I finally got my hair cut! I haven't had it cut since December! A long time. I had to wait a little longer due to the pregnancy, and I just really dont like spending money on myself so Jeremy told me to go get it done and I sucked it up and just did it. I really like it. Here it is.Don't you like the pink? Don't worry its a clip in but I like it. Its fun.
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Hair Cut
Posted by
7:54 AM
Cornbelly's at Thanksgiving Point
On Saturday we went up to Thanksgiving point to go to their Fall Festival thing of sorts, its called Cornbellys. We went up with Melissa and girls. It was really fun. We went last year and they didn't have near as much to do but this year was a blast and Reese is older and able to enjoy it more. Reese loved jumping in the princess castle jumper, dressing up as a princess in the princess pumpkin patch. Jeremy and her had a lot of fun on the slides and Reese went on her first ride by herself. She rode on a cow ride that took her around the pumpkin patch. Then a family hay ride. We had so much fun. I loved it. If we lived closer, I would have passes to go all the time. I love fall. After Cornbelly's we went over to a very yummy burger joint called JCW's. YUMMY. I recommend it. Reese of course got to get a little pumpkin to take home. So we have our first pumpkin of the season.
Posted by
7:48 AM
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Flat Stanley
My little brother Parker sent me his Flat Stanley to Utah to hang with us for a few weeks. He went to work with me and went flying with Jeremy. He also had an accident that required some surgery, Reese liked his shakey eyes, she liked them so much she ripped them off. YIKES!!! I couldn't send flat Stanley back blind so I fixed him up with some minor surgery. I am happy to say he made it through the procedure and is back on his way to Georgia.
Posted by
7:13 AM
Monday, September 22, 2008
For my mom...
My mom has been asking for a pregnant picture of me. I don't like being all big and feel 10x bigger than I am. But since she won't be able to see me this pregnancy at all and give into my craving of Country's BBQ chicken fingers with dippin' sauce. I figured I would at least make her day because I love her so much and post these pics for her. I am 21 wks. This was taken today.
Posted by
12:53 PM
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Birthday Celebration Pictures
Posted by
8:48 PM
Cuddling Daddy
Reese lately has been asking us to sit next to her and saying "daddy" or "mommy" and patting next to her. It is so cute and no matter how busy you are we always have to stop because who could turn down a face like that! Well the other day Jeremy as watching a movie with Reese on the couch and she put her arm around her daddy to cuddle him like he usually cuddles her. His heart just melted and had me take a picture so here it is.
Posted by
8:42 PM
Pretty Princess
These a few pics from Reese earlier in the week. I was cleaning up her room and she came across her tutu's, both of them and wanted to wear them both so of course I put them on and then came the crown (which is now dead because of a puppy) and she was not going to take them off for lunch so I now have the mission to get jelly out of a tutu with out ruining it. Here is our princess.
Posted by
8:37 PM
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Happy Birthday Jeremy!!
Today my wonderful husband of almost 5 yrs turned 27!! I am so happy and blessed that he is my husband. He is such a great man and wonderful father. I love him so much and just wanted to wish him a Happy Birthday (again)! I will post pictures of our day tomorrow. He got tonight off of work as a treat from his boss and we got to see our little boy with an ultrasound today! :) He is doing great, I will post pics of those tomorrow as well. And they also upped our due date to Jan. 31. HAPPY BIRTHDAY JEREMY! We love you!!! XO
Posted by
8:47 PM
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Pumpkin Outfit
Here are some more pictures for my mommy. They are of Reese in the pumpkin outfit she sent her this week. These first few pictures is what I got when I asked her to cheese.
This last one is what I got when I wouldn't give her the camera.
Posted by
3:11 PM
Friday, September 12, 2008
Cute Little Girl
Here are some pics of Reese in a cherry outfit that my mom bought for her. She of course wants to see her in the clothes she got her so sorry these are more pis of Reese but the grandparents do enjoy her sweet little face. I also included a pic of the bow I made for her this morning and its much better than the other bow because I used the right size ribbon.
Posted by
1:45 PM
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Reese the Lady Bug
Reese is going to be a Lady Bug for Halloween this year and I found and really cute costume at Babies R Us so I went ahead and picked it up because they where already out of some sizes. She loves wearing this costume and looks very cute in it as you can see. Here are some pictures at the request of my mommy. I plan on making a little super fluffy black tutu underneath the dress so it can fluff out and add a little more pizazz.
Posted by
3:22 PM
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Skeleton Jammies!
I love the holidays. From October on I can totally be in decorate celebration mode. I love Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas. Of course Halloween has a special place in my heart because its my little monkeys birthday so when I saw Gymboree but there jammies on sale I went and got here the pair I have had my eye on and I also picked up little man a few outfits from Gymboree's airplane line that just went on sale. So our little boy will be daddy's copilot in his little outfits. They are so freakin cute!! Here are some pictures of Reese in her new jammies. They also glow in the dark, how cute!
Posted by
6:43 PM
Dino Museum
Sorry for the post polluza but my mommy was complaing that I haven't been posting lately. So here are a few pictures from our trip to the Dino Musuem at Thanksgiving point. We had a really good time this was Jeremy's first time and he had a really good time checiking everything out. It is a really cool museum and if every come to Utah check it out!
Posted by
6:32 PM
Posted by
6:27 PM
Hanging out
Jeremy, Reese and I where hanging out on our lawn and playing with Peanut. Jeremy started playing with the trees and of course Reese got interested so we put her in the tree and she loved it. She truely is a little monkey.
Posted by
6:20 PM
I am so sick of these little "mormon" girls going on national TV and being like I grew up mormon and now I am truely living my life and they always tell these stories of how these parents punished them for having sex before marriage by sending them away. I can't help how there parents where but I am so sick and tired of there religion issue being put in our faces. They ALWAYS pick out the "mormon" person. They are always like so what is your religion? I am going to barf!! Why always the mormon girls? Anways just had to vent sorry.
Posted by
6:17 PM