Being with family is great, we get two of everything :). Tonight we did pumpkins with Jeremy's family. Aiden and Meadow came over and where able to do pumpkins with us. Reese loves playing with Meadow. They had such a great time together. Aiden did the classic triangle eyes pumpkin and I cut the girls pumpkins they could of cared less about the pumpkins after we gutted them...I cut a sick pumpkin and a dog. They turned out cute.
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
More Pumpkins!!
Posted by
7:11 PM
Gold Rush
We went up to North Georgia to my sisters college to visit and watch her in there Gold Days parade. She is the first and only female on the rifles team up there. We are so proud of her. It is so beautiful up there, I loved it. It was so quaint and small town feel. We need to go visit her again soon. I miss you Allison!! Can you tell which one is a girl..?
How about now? lol :)
Brodie fell asleep during the sweet
Me and my Mommy
Trying to take a family photo but with two small children this is what you get
Posted by
6:25 PM
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
We went over to my moms house last night and cut our pumpkins. We need a cool fancy easy pumpkin cutting knife...I broke two of my moms ghetto pumpkins knives! My mo and me have awesome looking pumpkins, mine is the skull...we had to force Devin to cut a pumpkin and that ghetto little pumpkin is hers...with the marker on its face still. Sad.
Posted by
5:43 PM
Friday, October 16, 2009
The Infamous 3 POUND cinnamon roll!
When we where driving across the country we stopped in San Antonio, Texas to visit with Jeremy's uncle. We had a fun time visiting with him and his family. Recently Jeremy and I had watched an episode of Man vs. Food and he had to eat a 3 pound cinnamon roll. So being the adventurers we, we decided to take it for a spin. It was fun to hang out with out the kids and try to tackle the cinnamon roll...mmmm I am drooling thinking about it.
Posted by
8:59 PM
Halloween Oreos
MMmmm...we made chocolate covered oreos this past week with Reese and they where so yummy. She had so much fun putting the cookies in and squeezing the chocolate out. Halloween is so much fun!.
Posted by
8:44 PM
Monday, October 12, 2009
The bigger the bow the closer to heaven
Reese has a few bows when we lived in Utah but since moving to Georgia grandma or should i saw me-maw lol (Reese calls my mom this and we all think it hilarious because she didnt want a southern grandma name) has gotten her a "few" bows I love them and think they are so adorable. Here is one of her new bows, we where on our way to story time.
Posted by
11:23 AM
Georgia Rain!
It rains A LOT in Georgia and for a little girl who really has never experience a true Georgia rain storm it was awesome. She loved jumping in the puddles and having fun.
Posted by
11:19 AM
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Don’t Waste the Days of Your Probation
“One of the ways Satan lessens your effectiveness and weakens your spiritual strength is by encouraging you to spend large blocks of your time doing things that matter very little. I speak of such things as sitting for hours on end watching television or videos, playing video games night in and night out, surfing the Internet, or devoting huge blocks of time to sports, games, or other recreational activities.
“Don’t misunderstand me. These activities are not wrong in and of themselves (unless, of course, you are watching salacious programs or seeking out pornographic images on the Internet). Games, sports, recreational activities, and even television can be relaxing and rejuvenating, especially in times when you are under stress or heavily scheduled. You need activities that help you to unwind and rest your minds. It is healthy to go onto the soccer field or the basketball court and participate in vigorous physical activity.
“But I speak of letting things get out of balance. It is not watching television, but watching television hour after hour, night after night. Does not that qualify as idling away your time? What will you say to the Lord when He asks what you have done with the precious gift of life and time? Surely you will not feel comfortable telling Him that you were able to pass the 100,000-point level in a challenging video game.
“One devastating effect of idling away our time is that it deflects us from focusing on the things that matter most. Too many people are willing to sit back and let life just happen to them. It takes time to develop the attributes that will help you to be a well-balanced person.”
Elder M. Russell Ballard of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, “Be Strong in the Lord,” Ensign, July 2004, 13–14.
I was reading this and I know I need to be better about how I plan my time and activities. I just thought it was a good quote to share.
Posted by
8:34 PM
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Wow, I can't believe it is already October. I love the fall and getting ready for the holidays. Halloween is the kick off to it all and Reese's birthday pa-looza! This is her first birthday around family so it will be fun! This past week my mom and I started out making what would thought would be an hour long project that spanned a few nights and a couple iron burns that I will probaly have scars over but here is my finished project...A Halloween advent calendar. I love it and we learned a thing or to when we go to make one again. It was nice to have something crafty and fun to do. I haven't had a craft project to do in awhile.
Posted by
12:08 PM