I loved the snow when it first came....now I have changed my mind!! It will never end!!! ERGGHH! I cannot wait until spring! Here is my poor little daughter swinging in the snow.
Thursday, January 31, 2008
Do you think we have enough snow?
Posted by
3:03 PM
Cell Phone
Reese loves cell phones, she has gotten much better about not putting them in her mouth, which was the death of my last phone. So every once and awhile she is allowed to play with our phones, which are on key lock so she can't so any damage (we hope). We think its is really funny when the phone rings she gets all excited and has to give the phone to Mommy. Here is a video. Please ignore the laundry on the couch, I was folding it before this happened. I promise its no longer there!!
Posted by
2:36 PM
Reese's New House
We got Reese her big girl car seat awhile back and we have been saving the box because it so big and its perfect for a little "house". So I cut out some windows and a door and she loves it!! So has been playing house for the past couple of days, whats really funny is when she wants mommy or daddy to come in her house with her! LOL! Thats a funny site! The house is a little to small for us. Here are some pictures of Reese in her house.
Posted by
2:29 PM
Monday, January 28, 2008
President Hinckley
Our beloved Prophet died last night due to complications with age. When I heard the news it didn't seem real. Still all last night it didn't seem real. I woke up this morning to go do my crossing guard shift and saw all the flags at half mass. President Hinckley has been the only Prophet I have known. He was such a cute sweet little man. I have been blessed to be in his presence a few times to listen to him speak. The spirit is so wonderful and pronounced when you are in the presence of our Prophet. I love President Hinckley. He will be missed. I know he is happy to be with his sweet wife again. Thank you President Hinckley for all you have done. We love you. This is a sweet video. Brought me to tears. President Hinckley
Posted by
11:50 AM
Saturday, January 26, 2008
Playing With Reese
Here are few pictures of Reese and I this past week, she loves right now trying to get dressed, she is always trying to put socks on my feet and trying to anything on her head so to help her out we put pants on our head. Here we are with pants of our head. She thought this was hilarious!
We also painted this week, she had alot of fun painting herself more than the paper, I wonder why her mouth is green? Jeremy and I are suckers for out litle baby girl, we went to Kid to Kid to burn sometime before we got some food (bad idea) and we ended up buying Reese with Princess Kitchen that talks and has food and is ohh so cute!! What can I say? My princess needed a princess kitchen! :)
Posted by
10:24 PM
BOOO Miss America
I watched the TLC reality show, Miss America Reality Check and got sucked into Miss America this year, I loved watching the contestants and getting to "know" who they are better. I loved Miss Indiana and of course Miss Utah. This year America got to vote one of the final contestants into the finals and I have to say my voting must have paid off because Miss Utah got in!! Sad to say she was kicked off right after swim suit though, but it was because she didn't seem confident and you could tell. So I went to rooting for Miss Indiana. She was soo beautiful and I loved her talent. Matt, my brother was watching with me and when it came down to the bottom four ( Miss Indiana was already first runner up ) :(. So it was between Miss Wisconsion ( shes good), Miss California (shes good), Miss Michigan (NO WAY!) and Miss Texas (Shes good) and of course who won.....Miss Michigan! URGGGGGHHHH!!! Boo Miss America!! Well anyways I guess congrats Miss Michigan. :(
Posted by
10:04 PM
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Rexburg Idaho Temple Open House
Last weekend we went to Rexburg ID to go to the temple open house. I went to school there for a semester in Fall 2003. It was great going back to see how much this small little town has grown! When I was there it was barely anything and it still is but now it has a movie theater, an Applebees and a newer hotel. I think Rexburg is so cute! I loved being able to go back and show Jeremy and Reese where i lived and went to school. Of course we had to eat at Mill Hollow--YUMMY!! Here are some pictures of the Temple. It will be dedicated in February. It
was great being able to take Reese inside the temple and show her the sealing rooms and celestial room. We had such a good time taking our little family on our first vacation by ourselves as a family. We also drove by Idaho Falls ans took pictures of the temple there too.
Posted by
4:39 PM
Ghetto Little Pink Chair
Posted by
10:30 AM
Saturday, January 19, 2008
Randomness Fun
I saw David's sisters blog and she was playing this and it looked fun....
Body will feel it..
1. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Special:Random The first article on this page is your band name. (If it’s a real band or musician, you might want to cheat and hit refresh.)
2. http://www.quotationspage.com/random.php3 Scroll down - the last four words of the last article are the title of your album.
3. http://www.flickr.com/explore/interesting/7days/ Whatever the third picture is - that’s the album cover.
Posted by
6:13 PM
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Broken Foot
I know I mentioned my broken foot awhile ago but forgot to address it. I broke my foot while walking/running into my mom's house to get Reese some milk, I tripped over my foot caught myself then tripped over my shoe, falling into a dirt pit where my shirt got a nice skid mark. Lets just say it sucks to break your foot but it sucks even more to break your foot the day before you fly home and when I get back to Utah it wont stop snowing!! Its crazy! To top it off, I'm a school crossing guard for the Elementary school up the road and on my first day I'm limping across the road. I go to the DR. that night and of course my foot in broken. So I have a beautiful boot I've been wearing with my foot wrapped up in a target sack so it doesn't get wet. It looks hot! I'm not supposed to be on it a lot but with a one year old, school and being a crossing guard that doesn't really happen so my Velcro on the top keeps coming undone because I'm using my leg to much and its rubbing my leg raw and that feels great!! Yeah, well I go back to the DR tomorrow to see how it is healing. I hope we get good news.
Posted by
5:18 PM
Saturday, January 12, 2008
Monkey Joes
Posted by
3:16 PM
Happy (Late) Anniversary
Jeremy and I celebrated our 4th wedding anniversary on December 27. We went up to Atlanta leaving Reese with Jeremy's parents. Jeremy picked out our hotel and restaurant. We stayed at the Westin in Peachtree. Its the tallest hotel in the western hemisphere. It was really cool and fun we stayed on th 52 floor and had a great few of Atlanta. This our first anniversary we have ever really celebrated and it was wonderful. We ate at the Sundial restaurant which is at the very top of the hotel on the 72 floor and it does a full rotation around Atlanta in a hour. The food was GREAT!!! It better be for as much as we paid but thats a different story! It was so much fun we had a wonderful time. I love my husband!:)
Posted by
2:51 PM
Saturday, January 5, 2008
I'll be back tomorrow..
SOOO much to post!! I think I've done enough for today, I'll let everyone one catch up on reading and I will post the rest of the pictures tomorrow.
Posted by
9:00 PM
Petland and Countrys BBQ
Posted by
8:56 PM
My Birthday the Big 22!
Posted by
8:06 PM
Cute Pics from GA
Here is Reese helping Grandma with the dishes, watching TV with her hand tugging on her diaper and having fun with Auntie Allison.
Posted by
7:46 PM
To catch up a bit...Plane Ride to GA and UT
I am going to be blogging a few entries from my Georgia trip I have so many pictures and stories that I cant just skip over sorry for so many slide shows buts its the best way to show all my pictures without taking up so much space... so here's what has been happening for the past 20 days....These are some pictures of Reese and my plane trip to GA. Thank goodness we had a direct flight and we lucked out and got the whole row to ourselves. On the way back to Utah we weren't so lucky. And she was awful! Reese was cranky, tired and upset. The poor sweet guy next to us was trying to drown out Reese's screaming my listening to some music. Lets just say I was VERY VERY glad to give Reese to her Daddy then! He was so sweet waiting for us at the baggage claim with flowers! :) It took us a little white to get off the plane because I had Reese and tons of carry on luggage and plus a broken foot, I'll explain that one in a minute!
Posted by
7:24 PM